Conway, K and Pasch, T. (Eds.) (2013). Beyond the Border: Tensions across the Forty-ninth Parallel in the Great Plains and Prairies. McGill/Queens University Press. Cloth/Paper release ISBN: 9780773541306
Walton, S and Pasch, T (2012) Generator, Aggregator, Curator—The Changing Roles of Online Communicators. PR Strategist 2012 (3). Cover article .
Pasch, Timothy J.(2010) Starting Fire with Gunpowder Revisited: Inuktitut New Media Content Creation in the Canadian Arctic. Inuit Studies/Études Inuit, vol. 34(2), Special Edition on Creative Inuit Technologies.
Pasch, Timothy J. (2009) Cloud Communication: A Daoist Perspective . In N. Van Leuven & A. B. Chan (Eds.), The Dao of Communication (pp. 221-244). Toronto: Ginger Post Imprints.
Pasch, Timothy James. (2008) Inuktitut Online in Nunavik: Mixed-Methods Web-Based Strategies for Preserving Aboriginal and Minority Languages . University of Washington. Proquest UMI Dissertation Database.